
Clay Buchholz to visit Dr. James Andrews for “peace of mind”

Don’t mind me. I will just be over here, holding my breath, *ALL DAY.*

Disney Entertainment

Take Aim at the Frontierland Shootin’ Arcade

I have memories of watching my dad tear it up at this place. It makes me smile just thinking about it.


Review: Birds of Prey #22

Here is how *Comic Book Resources’* Greg McElhatton starts his review:

> When Christy Marx first took over the writing reins of “Birds of Prey” a few months ago, it felt like a smooth transition. Now that it’s a bit into her run, “Birds of Prey” #22 feels uneven and all over the place. Part of it may have to do with needing to tie into two other titles (as well Romano Molenaar and Jonathan Glapion being joined by three other artists this month) but it’s definitely not one of the book’s finer issues.

Let me translate: This book has been a **disaster** since Marx took over. She has destroyed everything about this book that made it so great. It went from the book I *most* looked forward to reading, to one that I have dropped from my pull-list. I cannot recommend that anyone read this title.[^fn1]

[^fn1]: I imagine that DC Editorial had some end in the book’s destruction, but Marx’s name is listed as the writer, so she gets the majority of the blame.


Some of the Best San Diego Comic-Con Photo Galleries

Again, these are some of the better galleries I have seen coming out of SDCC:(*No links to *Newsarama*, of course, since they display their galleries in horrible slideshow form.*)

* *Bleeding Cool’s* [mega cosplay gallery](

* Friday’s [Megan Byrd gallery]( for *The Beat*.

* Another [Megan Byrd gallery]( for *The Beat*.

* *Bleeding Cool’s* [artist alley gallery](

* One more ( for
*The Beat*

* *The Beat’s* [pet cosplay gallery](

* [60 more cosplay photos]( from *Bleeding Cool*


This Christmas, Darwyn Cooke Takes Parker to SLAYGROUND

I have no doubt that this will be awesome.


Clay Buchholz to visit Dr. James Andrews

This is just another reason to re-adjust my expectations for the second half of the season. If the Red Sox finish out these last few months with a .500 record, I would be quite pleased.[^fn1]

[^fn1]: Especially, if they do not trade away any of their prospects in the process.

Disney Entertainment

Mickey Mouse with some tips for Staying Cool this Summer

I love these new cartoons. They have all been so great.

Comics Entertainment

Emily Van Camp is officially Sharon Carter in Captain America: Winter Solider

I thought this had already been confirmed? Regardless, I think is a good casting choice.

Comics Entertainment

Trailer for Season 2 of Arrow

I still do not understand the whole Black Canary thing, when they are already have a Dinah Lance on the show, but the trailer looks pretty decent.

Comics Entertainment

Marvel Unveils Logo for Whedon’s “Avengers: Age of Ultron”

Woah. Really? I just read the “Age of Ultron” comic book series, and I would *not* like a movie that was similar to that. If I did not have utmost trust in Joss, I would be pretty nervous about the next Avengers movie.


Stephanie Brown decision above Scott Snyder’s Pay Grade

> A male fan wanted to know if Stephanie Brown or Cassandra Cain will show up in the book. While Snyder said he wanted to use the characters that decision was “above his pay grade.”

Seriously? Some things about DC are such a disaster.


Scott Snyder wants to Use Stephanie Brown

During today’s Batman panel:

> Snyder said he really wants to use Cassandra Cain and Stephanie Brown, but he can’t right now and there are no plans for them. He hopes that will change in the future.

Ugh. Again, I have no idea why DC has such an issue with bringing Stephanie Brown back.


‘Sharknado’ attacks during President’s Race at Nationals Park

You never know when a Sharknado might hit.


Warner Bros. Announce Zack Snyder And David Goyer Writing Batman-Superman For 2014 Shoot

Wow. Talk about a major announcement. Now, the first question: Who plays Batman?


Gail Simone writing Tomb Raider Series for Dark Horse

It looks like I will be reading a Tomb Raider comic soon.

Comics Entertainment

It’s Official: Cobie Smulders Joins Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Yes. Awesome.


Hawkeye’s Updated Shipping Schedule

Just in case you freaked out when you did not see it in the October solicitations.


Committed: The Lie of “Banned” Digital Comics

Sonia Harris writing at *Comic Book Resources*:

> When did people first start talking about “banned” books which were actually readily available on the ComiXology website? It seems like a relatively recent phenomenon. Before some unhelpful reporter coined this misnomer what did we call these so-called “banned” books? We probably just called them mature-reader books, which is what they are. More often than not, when someone writes about a digital book being “banned” because it’s not on the app, I have immediately found it highlighted on the ComiXology home page with an attractive graphic as if to let people know that “yes, actually we do sell it, sorry about all the lies you’ve been reading.” I wish there were a way to see through every bit of inflammatory bollocks which is published in the name of “news”, but at least in this instance don’t believe the hype – if there’s a book you want, check the website first.

Exactly. The outrage over “banned” books has been ridiculous. Just go to []( and buy them there.[^fn1]

[^fn1]: Or buy them them directly from [Image Comics’s website]( and get ac completely DRM-free version.


North Carolina’s new Tax Structure Will Help Triangle Cities

> N.C. League of Municipalities analysts say the state tax legislation that awaits Gov. Pat McCrory’s signature will generate a $5.8 million windfall for the western Triangle’s major city and town governments by decade’s end.

Tax rates go down, but tax revenues go up. It is amazing how that works.

Comics Entertainment

CW’s “Arrow” Casts Its Black Canary

> However, given that [Katie] Cassidy’s character is based on the second Black Canary’s alter ego Dinah Laurel Lance, many fans expected that the crusading attorney eventually would turn to vigilantism.

Umm..what? They made a character called Dinah Lance and then are going to have someone else play Black Canary. Why even have Dinah then? I am so confused.