Internet Technology

Remote SSH using Back to My Mac

This is something I’ve thought about how doing, but had no idea how to go about it. I’ll be setting this up in the very near future.


Has Gartner Ever Got Anything Right with Respect to Apple?

John Gruber asks a similar question to what I have been asking for quite some time now: “Why does the IT Industry Continue to Listen to Gartner?”

Mr. Gruber’s post links to [this article from Ed Bott that explains a number of Gartner’s mistakes](

Internet Technology

Flash is holding Back Chrome for Mac

How much longer do we have to keep Flash around?

Internet Technology

Postbox Capitalizing on the Sparrow News

I use Postbox as my primary email client. That’s the best recommendation I can give.

Law Technology

The DOJ Got it Right with the eBook Antitrust Case

I’ve seen recent postings from [John Gruber]( and [David Sparks](, critizing the DOJ’s antitrust case against Apple and book publishers. These posts from Mr. Gruber and Mr. Sparks seem, however, to ignore how antitrust law actually works. One of the things antitrust laws prohibit is companies from holding clandestine meetings to agree on a pricing strategy for the whole industry. That is exactly what the book publishers are accused of doing in this case. Mr. Gruber and Mr. Sparks can try to make the argument that the current situation is *better* for consumers,[^ppfix] but they should not criticize the DOJ for filing a complaint against companies whose alleged conduct is prohibited by antitrust statutes.

[^ppfix]: Though that argument is an uphill battle when most eBooks have increased in price by 2-3 dollars per book since Apple got involved.


Tumblr API Changes Lock Out MarsEdit

Daniel Jaikut explains the problems he’s going through trying to talk to the Tumblr API. This comes around the same time as [his comments that MarsEdit will not be able to post to SquareSpace 6 due to changes in the SquareSpace API]( To me, these kind of API changes that are not communicated to developers of third party clients is one of the major problems with using one of these all inclusive blogging and hosting providers.[^ss6]] Though people may complain about the hassles of self-hosting on WordPress, I have a high level of confidence that an open source project like []( will continue to support an API.

[^ss6]: I wonder if anyone who gets sponsorships from SquareSpace, who has previously talked about how awesome MarsEdit is, will point out that the new SquareSpace 6 does not support MarsEdit.


Making the Best of the Current iOS Podcast Player Options

I listen to podcasts. A **lot** of podcasts. In addition to regularly listening to a bunch of different podcasts, I also subscribe to a number of others that I listen to occasionally[^subs]. As one can imagine, this means I am very demanding of my podcast applications. Unfortunately, this also means that I have not been able to find a podcast application that fits with my needs. [^rprob]

## Ideal Podcast App

My ideal podcast app would do the following:[^basics]

1. Have the ability to download or stream podcast episodes. Whether to download or stream would be something I can select on a podcast or episode level.
2. Allow creation of playlists for podcasts, either manual or “smart.”[^splay]
3. Refresh feeds and download new episodes quickly.
4. Sync information about subscriptions, episodes (such as played status, including where I left off on another device), and playlists across devices.[^icloud]

## The Players

The two major players in the iOS podcasting space are [Instacast][icast][^afflink] (and its iPad version [Instacast HD][icasthd] and [DownCast][dcast].[^apod] I had been a user of [Instacast][icast] since its initial release, and had been generally happy with its functionality. With the [release of Instacast 2.0](, however, I began having problems. Mainly, there were a bunch minor bugs, such as the app crashing when I tried to restart playing a podcast after having it on pause for more than 2 or 3 minutes, that annoyed me but did not make me consider dropping the app. Most frustrating, however, was how easy it was to “Mark All Played” in the various menu options. I did it once when trying to “Delete all Played” and twice it happened via a “pocket dial”.[^pdial]

Instacast allows for iCloud syncing. This, for the most part, works pretty well. Last week, however, my iCloud syncing started to throw error messages. It presented me with two options “Reset” or “Try Later.” I attempted to “Try Later” a few times. That did not put an end to the repeated error messages. I eventually selected the “Reset” option, but that too did not put an end to my error messages. I eventually resorted to manually deleting the iCloud sync file[^iinstac] and starting over.

My frustration with Instacast’s iCloud syncing led to my attempt to switch to Downcast.[^marcodrang] I began the tedious process of moving my 102 feeds from Instacast to Downcast, making sure that I set the correct unplayed episodes and the correct timestamp on the partially played episodes. The process took about 3 days of very, very part-time work.

Downcast seemed much more reliable to Instacast, both for application stability and for iCloud syncing. Unfortunately, it had two major issues: (1) the syncing of my feeds was insanely slow[^slowsync] and (2) having the application open caused rapid battery drain. The slow feed syncing prevented me from taking advantage of one of the benefits of using a podcaster app: on the go episode downloading. With Instacast, I could quickly download a new episode of [Geek Friday]( right before leaving for dinner on a Friday night. With Downcast, I had to plan 10 minutes of update time around any feed refreshes.

Though the slow feed update was annoying, it was not the “show stopper” that Downcast’s battery drain was. I first noticed the battery drain during my morning workout. Normally, when I got back from the gym, I would have about 96-95% battery life remaining on my iPhone. When I’d get back from the gym after using Downcast during a workout, I’d have 75-72% remaining. That translates to about 25% of a full battery charge gone within 2 hours of me unplugging my iPhone from the charger. With this kind of battery performance, Downcast clearly could not be my solution going forward.

## My Solution

I’ve decided that since neither Instacast nor Downcast individually can fulfill my podcasting needs, I will simply use them both. My current solution is:

* My *top rated* [^trated] podcasts are stored in Instacast
* This allows me to take advantage of Instacast’s superior speed. Also, since these are episodes I consume very soon after they’re released, Instacast’s iCloud syncing issues and its easily triggered “Mark all as Played” functionality are much less problematic.[^lesse]
* Secondarily, Instacast’s new “podcast parking”[^pparking] feature means that I can get push notifications from Instacast for new episodes of **all** my podcasts but only have to refresh my top rated feeds.
* Everything else is stored in Downcast
* This allows for Downcast’s much more reliable iCloud syncing to keep all my less frequently listened to podcasts in sync.
* It also means I can use Downcast almost exclusively when I have the option to plug in my iPhone or iPad, so I do not have the issues with Downcast rapidly draining my battery.

I fully admit that this solution is kludgy and less-than-ideal. With the options I have available currently, however, it accomplishes my podcast listening goals.

[^pparking]: “Podcast Parking” means that Instacast will still check to see if there are new episodes of a podcast for push notification purposes, but it will not do anything with the feed or the episodes during the “check for new episodes” process when the app itself is open.

[^slowsync]: Downcast sync time is measured in minutes, while Instacast is measured in seconds.

[^marcodrang]: Recommendations from [Macro Arment]( and [Dr. Drang]( also helped.

[^iinstac]: I have [begun monitoring and manipulating my iCloud files]( on a fairly regular basis, so this was no big deal for me.

[^afflink]: Affiliate Link *(as are all other links in this article)*

[^lesse]: Since I’m burning through these podcasts quickly, there are less episodes to get messed up if iCloud syncing goes wonky or “Mark All as Played” gets triggered.

[^pdial]: I put the iPhone in my pocket and sometime between when I first put the iPhone in my pocket and when I pulled it out of my pocket, all my unplayed episodes had been marked played.

[^subs]: I currently have 102 feeds in my podcast apps.

[^rprob]: The proverbial elephant in the room is that the real solution to my problem is to unsubscribe from some of the podcasts I hardly, if ever, listen to.

[^basics]: I’m going to ignore the basics like “check for new episodes.”

[^splay]: Similar to Apple’s Smart Playlists in iTunes that let you select specific criteria to build a playlist from.

[^icloud]: I do not care how this sync takes place. I’m fine if it uses iCloud, Dropbox, or magic beans.

[^apod]: Apple recently released its [Podcast]() app, however, it doesn’t come anywhere near meeting my requirements for syncing or playlists.




[^trated]: Those podcasts I want to listen to as soon as possible after their release date.

Internet Technology

Dealing with iCloud’s Current Shortcomings

I love of the concept of Apple’s iCloud: a system where all my documents and settings are instantly available on any device, without me having to think about configuring sync. If that was how iCloud worked, would be amazing. Unfortunately, Apple’s execution does not equal the syncing utopia I was hoping for.

## Problems

My two major problems for iCloud deal with (1) document management and (2) reliability. Document management can be summed up by the “Open from iCloud” dialog box in many iCloud-enabled applications: a list of files in some order.[^order] My hope is that Mountain Lion’s new *folder* system will allow slightly better organization for my documents, than a simple list, perhaps with some kind of search functionality.[^bword] For now, however, I am constantly faced with the simple list.

My second problem comes from reliability. I have been a paying member of [Dropbox][dbox][^aff] for a number of years now and I have never had a problem. When I go looking for ale I expect to be in one place, it’s always there.. With iCloud, however, I have not always had such success. I’ve left work with my iPad a few times, figuring I’d do some work at some other location, only to find that iCloud had not properly synced either the latest version of my document or, sometimes, the entire document itself. This normally means using either [Screens](*bqlTuiXSo&offerid=146261&type=3&subid=0&tmpid=1826& or [FileConnect](*bqlTuiXSo&offerid=146261&type=3&subid=0&tmpid=1826& to connect to my computer and get the document I need to work on.

## Workarounds

In order to work around iCloud’s limitations, I have had to delve into the location iCloud stores documents:[^lion]:

~/Library/Mobile Documents/

In this directory, there are a number of sub-directories that contain the iCloud documents for individual apps. For example, [iA Writer](*bqlTuiXSo&offerid=146261&type=3&subid=0&tmpid=1826& is located in:

~/Library/Mobile Documents/74ZAFF46HB~jp~informationarchitects~Writer

Though the names can look confusing, it is not terrible difficult to figure out which folder refers to which application. Inside the application-specific folder, there is a sub-folder called “Documents” and inside that folder are those documents that are stored in iCloud.

Knowing the location my iCloud documents are stored means that I can create [Hazel]( rules that operate on the folder. These rules are usually fairly simple. For example, I have Hazel sync all text files I create in iA Writer into my [nvAlt]( folder, That way, I can use nvAlt’s full text search functionality to figure out the document name I need to open back in iA Writer. I also use Hazel to create a series of backups of my iCloud documents,[^nosup] which gives me a little piece of mind as to whether or not my documents might get lost in transit during an iCloud sync. In total, this series of Hazel rules makes my iCloud experience much more comfortable.

## Over the Horizon

Though my Hazel rules have helped me settle into using iCloud for a number of different apps, my hope is that Mountain Lion will mean that they are no longer necessary. Thankfully, I only have to wait another couple of weeks to find out if that is the case.

[^nosup]: To my Dropbox account, unsurprisingly.


[^aff]: Affiliate Link *(the kind where I get additional free space if you sign up)*

[^lion]: This is section is related to how iCloud operates in OS X Lion. My hope is that this workaround becomes obsolete with the enhanced iCloud support in Mountain Lion.

[^order]: Most recently edited is the ideal order for me, however, I’m partially okay with there be*any* order. The applications that seem to just dump the files randomly get deleted from my system rather quickly.

[^bword]: [Byword](*bqlTuiXSo&offerid=146261&type=3&subid=0&tmpid=1826& *(affiliate link, as are the rest of the app links in this article)* is an example of an application on the Mac that has basic search functionality built into the open dialog box.


1Password and the Mac App Store

Gabe over at [MacDrifter]( got me nervous this morning when [he posted]( that 1Password was pulled from the Mac App Store due to a sandboxing problem. Thankfully, *AgileBits’s* founder [Roustem Karimov]( cleared things up on Twitter:

> [We] just need more time to rework Dropbox access.


> Sandbox now provides everything we need. We just had some old code related to Dropbox folder access, it must be changed.

Phew. Crisis averted.


Flash is not Installed

If this was the error message, I might actually be sad about not installing flash.

Sports Technology

iPad’s Revolutionizing NFL Playbooks

No big deal, they’re just *consuming* the playbook anyway.


Office for Mac and iOS

Office for Mac counts for the 365 Home Premium Subscription. Also, [The Beard says Office for iOS coming at the release of Office 15](

Internet Technology

Tips for Making the Jump to Linode

On a *fairly*[^fn1] recent episode of [Build & Analyze](, Marco Arment suggested that web developers host their applications on a [Linode]([^liref] instance instead of a shared hosting provider. Though most of my web development these days would be classified as “tinkering,” I decided that I might as well make the jump to Linode for my websites instead of the shared host I was using.

Here are a few things I learned while working on the migration of my [Wordpress]( sites from the shared host to Linode:

* Take advantage of the [Linode Library Guides]( They have a lot of good information about how to get things started.
* Remember to import your migrated data into the *correct* database.
* Update your WordPress wp-config.php file with your new database configuration information. (This is especially important if your shared host did not run its databases as a “localhost” you could access.)
* To log into a [Mysql]( instance on your localhost with a database user you created, you have to set the “localhost” permissions for that user (*See* [this article from ServerFault]( for what I’m talking about).
* Though you can mass copy your WordPress files to your new server, you are almost certainly going to want to deactivate all of your WordPress plugins and then reactivate them one by one to make sure they all work in the new environment. (You can [deactivate all plugins via the database]( if you have trouble logging into your WordPress instance initially.)

Overall, the migration from WordPress to Linode was pretty painless. None of the above issues took much more than a Google search to debug. Now I wait and see how well the site holds up on a server that I’m totally responsible for.

[^fn1]: I cannot remember which one, but it might have been a few weeks ago.

[^liref]: Referral Link

Internet Technology

The Origin of the @reply on Twitter

Yesterday, [a post on explored the history of the Twitter @reply](’t-all-that-awesome/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+NoteAndPoint+%28Note+%26+Point%29). A followup [post today on]( 26935842947/the-real-history-of-the-reply-on-twitter) provides a little more clarity but still cannot nail down all of the details. Ultimately, this type of research would be much easier if Twitter allowed its user to access their entire tweet history.

Internet Technology

Dropbox Upgrades their Plans

When [Google Drive]( was released, I hoped it would cause [Dropbox]([^footnote] to give its subscribers more storage at a lower price. That is exactly what happened earlier today.

[^footnote]: Affiliate – Additional Space Link


Definitive Take on the IPad Junior

John Gruber at his best.

(“iPad Junior” name via [Dan Benjamin of 5by5]( Probably not the actual name of the product.)


GM of Mountain Lion Released

I always get excited about new OS updates, even when they’re these, supposedly, “minor” updates. For Mountain Lion, I’m most excited about improved iCloud integration and dictation. I’m sure my colleagues are going to love hearing me talk to my computer all day.

Apps Technology

One month of Sandboxing

Excellent write-up by Ted Landau.

Internet Technology

Top 20 Secrets of Coda 2

After reviewing this, I can see why everyone is posting it. [Panic]( is pretty awesome at making software.


iOS Default Apps

Last week, [John Gruber](, had a [series][1] of [posts][3] on Apple not allowing iOS users to set the default browser or mail application on their devices. I agree with what Mr. Gruber says and I, personally, wish that I could set [Sparrow](*bqlTuiXSo&offerid=146261&type=3&subid=0&tmpid=1826&[^affiliate] as my default mail application. Until then, my “workaround” is to run the default mail application to notify me of new emails and then open Sparrow to do that actual email processing.

[^affiliate]: Affiliate Link

