
Major TV Providers Lose Customers

> But this quarter’s losses were stark for DirecTV, which lost customers for the first time ever, and for Time Warner, who lost customers for the tenth straight quarter and lost more than analysts expected. Comcast’s loss of 169,000 customers was actually an improvement over previous quarters. The losses were chalked up more to the economy rather than “cord-cutters” dropping TV service entirely.

Pay television providers are getting closer and closer to the line where people decide the price is just not worth it for the product they’re getting. The “cord cutting” concept[^fn1] seems to be limited to the tech community, but if the economy stays were it is and services like Netflix continue adding quality content, more and more people might consider it.

[^fn1]: Where people cut all traditional cable television services


Life-size, Working Wall-E

This guy is my hero.


Doctor Who Series 7 Trailer

Dinosaurs. On a spaceship.

Entertainment Law

Bankruptcy and the Dark Knight

> There are, of course, some problems with this. One of the characters makes a passing suggestion that there might be something that could be done because the transactions were obviously fraudulent, but that it would take too much time. Why is never explained. Indeed, why trading did not instantly cease the second it became apparent that someone was actually storming the trading floor was never explained. The fact that someone had access to the trading desk explains how the put options could have been created in the first place, but it doesn’t explain why anyone thought for one second that they were real. An actual attack on the trading floor might well close the market for a day or two while damage is repaired and additional security installed.

I think I’ve been asked to explain the law around this about 3 or 4 times. I’m glad I can now just point people to this [Law and the Multiverse]( article.

Entertainment Sports

ESPN’s 30 for 30 “Coming Soon” to Netflix Instant

These are great. I might just set the [Red Sox one from their 2004 World Series win]( on a loop when I am not watching anything.


Why HBO Will Not Sell Directly to Subscribers Just Yet

A well written response to the Internet’s cry for HBO to “just take [its] money.”

> The short version is this: HBO, more than any other network, benefits from the pay TV ecosystem currently in place, so it has little incentive to try to go around it. If it were to sell directly to consumers, it would have figure it was leaving more money on the table by not currently doing so than it would cost (and risk losing) by doing so.

The reasons laid out by “Jasper” are exactly the reasons I hear for why HBO will not be making the jump to direct subscriptions in the near future. I do hope he’s right that things might change in a few years.

(via [The Loop](


The Hobbit will be a Trilogy

It’s official.


Jackson Definitely Wants to Make The Hobbit a Trilogy

I don’t know what to believe anymore.

Comics Entertainment

Official Map of Nolan’s Gotham City

In case you want to bring it to the movie with you and follow along.

Comics Entertainment

Next Captain America Movie Titled Captain America – Winter Soldier



Gorgeous Marvel Movies DVD Art

These look amazing. I want a large version of the Avengers one for my wall.


Tom Baker will return for Doctor Who’s 50th anniversary after all

It would have felt wrong if he was not there.

Comics Entertainment

Amazing Spider-Man

I just got back from [Amazing Spider-man]( It was entertaining, but did not blow me away. In fact, I’d say that it was not as good as any of the movies produced by [Marvel Studios]( That being said, Andrew Garfield was quite good at being Spider-Man and Emma Stone stole every scene she was in.

If you want a more in-depth review of the film, I highly recommend [Paul Montgomery’s (spoiler free) review over at iFanboy](


I would go see it Again

Rumor from [Blastr](

> The plan, as []( puts forth, is to release *The Avengers: The Director’s Cut* in theaters toward the end of the summer. Whedon has already mentioned that he’d be including some sort of director’s cut for the home-video release—complete with 30 minutes or so that he excised for Avengers’ theatrical run—so it’s not a reach to think that Marvel and Disney might throw the super-sized edition on the big screen as well.

I would almost surely go see it in the theatre to see the extra 30 minutes on the big screen.