Disney Entertainment

‘Frozen’ Coming to Disney Parks this November

No surprise here. I have a feeling that *Frozen* is going to be a huge, huge success for Disney.


Pacific Rim now Available on iTunes

[Pacific Rim]([^fn1] was one of my favorite movies of the summer. I am pumped to watch it again.

[^fn1]: Affiliate link (as is the post link).


First Trailer for The Hobbit:- The Desolation of Smaug

In a surprise to absolutely no one, this looks great.


Ed Brubaker approves of the Captain America – Winter Solider Script

> “I read the script [for Captain America: Winter Soldier] and I was really blown away by it,” Brubaker told *USA Today*. “The tone of it and the Bucky stuff is so perfect and the way I’d want it to be, I was so thrilled to see that. But to me the biggest thing, too, is it’s the first time Marvel has put out a movie where there’s a specific book the title of the movie relates to.”

This just increases my expectations for this film. I really, really hope Marvel knocks this out of the park.

Disney Entertainment

First Story-based “Frozen” Trailer Released

Finally, a good look at what this movie is going to be about. Judging from what I see in the trailer, I think I am really going to like it.

Disney Entertainment

Pixar delays release of two films

> 2014 will be the first year since 2005 that Pixar has not released a film.

Major bummer.

Comics Entertainment

Marvel Have Released A Thor Poster Featuring SIF

This is a pretty cool poster.


Joss Whedon Was Called In To Fix Some Scenes In Thor: The Dark World

In Joss we trust.


Jurassic Park 4 Is Called Jurassic World, Will Be Shot In 3D, Is Out In Summer 2015

I do not know how to feel about this.


Report: Benedict Cumberbatch Cast In Star Wars Episode VII, Official Announcement Imminent

This is still just a rumor, but, if true, it would be amazing.

Comics Entertainment

Official: Bradley Cooper Confirmed As Voice Of Rocket Raccoon

Interesting. I never would have thought of casting Cooper, but the more I think about it, the more I like it.


James Spader is Ultron in Avengers 2

Interesting casting. I think I like it.


Snowpiercer to be Dumbed Down for American Audience

The comment from The Weinstein Company is just offensive:

> TWC people have told Bong that their aim is to make sure the film ‘will be understood by audiences in Iowa … and Oklahoma.’

I really wanted to see this movie, but I will probably skip it now to avoid adding to Weinstein’s profits.

Comics Entertainment

Trailer for ‘Thor: The Dark World’ Looks Verily Dark Indeed

Looks pretty solid. I am glad they appear to have kept in some of the humor that made the first Thor movie so fun.

Disney Entertainment

Saving Mr Banks Poster Released

The poster is amazing.

Comics Entertainment

Emily Van Camp is officially Sharon Carter in Captain America: Winter Solider

I thought this had already been confirmed? Regardless, I think is a good casting choice.

Comics Entertainment

Marvel Unveils Logo for Whedon’s “Avengers: Age of Ultron”

Woah. Really? I just read the “Age of Ultron” comic book series, and I would *not* like a movie that was similar to that. If I did not have utmost trust in Joss, I would be pretty nervous about the next Avengers movie.


Warner Bros. Announce Zack Snyder And David Goyer Writing Batman-Superman For 2014 Shoot

Wow. Talk about a major announcement. Now, the first question: Who plays Batman?


Girl With The Dragon Tattoo Sequel May Go Ahead Without David Fincher

> The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo wasn’t exactly a runaway success financially but it did turn a profit so I’d be surprised if Sony don’t capitalize on the fan-base for the books and the first film and move forward with a sequel quickly and more cheaply than the first.

Sony *might* want to get on that, since I think those books peaked in popularity about 2 years ago.


Veronica Mars Movie To Get Two Sequel Novels

> According to The Hollywood Reporter, the first book will arrive around the same time as the movie, next spring. The second will follow. I guess a third isn’t out of the question, but will depend on the success of the first two instalments.

I will definitely be reading these.