Entertainment Software

For the Love of God, Bring Back the EA Sports ‘NCAA Football’ Games

All the issues with player payment aside, I really miss this game. (And, yes, I no I just dismissed a major, major issue with 7 words, but…ummm…nevermind.)


EA delays Dragon Age: Inquisition

When *Dragon Age: Inquisition* comes out, I am going to want to buy either a PS4 or a Xbox One so that I can play it. Thankfully, I can wait until at least November 18 before I have to make that decision.

Culture Entertainment Programming Software

Adding Gangnam Style to Dance Central

A really, really good piece from the guys over at *Polygon.* It shows how much actually goes into making those like $2-3 “downloadable content” add-ons that are available for music games.


New Mass Effect Game in Development

I am already twitching with anticipation.


Dragon Age 3 Announced

It was a day of good news from BioWare[^f2830].

[^f2830]: With the obvious exception being [the co-founders retiring](


More Stories to Be Told in the Mass Effect Universe

Great news. I was not ready to leave the world of Mass Effect yet.


Revisiting the Dragon Age 2 Narrative

> There’s an element of “be careful what you wish for” when I think about Dragon Age 2. It does – or tries to do-so many of the things I’ve wanted RPGs to do with their narratives for a long time, like telling a smaller story in both geography and scope, developing tragedy, and focusing on party members’ stories. Yet the problems with doing those things become apparent as well, especially as the locations become tired and the narrative becomes fractured. Unbalanced narratives can fall down. It’s easy to see why Dragon Age 2 became such a divisive game, but love it or hate it, I’m happy that a big-budget role-playing game was so willing to experiment with narrative form, and I hope its successes and failures are learned from.

I was one of those who did not enjoy the structure of Dragon Age 2. In fact, I stopped playing all together. I hope Bioware can bring back some of the “epicness” of the original Dragon Age in their next installment[^fn].

[^fn]: Also, I hope they bring Morrigan back.