Comics Fitness

Gotham Producers Tease Harley Quinn for (Possibly) Next Season

I still refused to believe I’ll ever see Harley Quinn in a movie or on television.[^f3104]

[^f3104]: To be specific, I mean *my* Harley Quinn, not the New-52 version.

Apps Fitness Internet

Underscore Releases new Pedometer App to Show Off 5S’s M7

One question: Why did he[^fn2] not call it Step Wrangler?

[^fn2]: Side note – I will now refer to David Smith as “Underscore” on this site.


Engadget’s Hands-On Video with the Fitbit Flex

Okay. I want one[^f1503].

[^f1503]: I am going to wait until reviews verify it works as advertised though.


Fitbit Flex wristband with Bluetooth

This looks really interesting.

Fitness Technology

The Verge’s Jawbone Up Review

It seems like they have made a lot of improvements. I am not sure whether or not I would put in the effort it appears is necessary to really benefit from this device though.