Apps Culture

Picking a Google Reader Alternative

As July 1st approaches, and the prospect of Google Reader going dark looms, I have started to more actively explore the available Google Reader alternatives[1].

Last week, when Gabe Weatherhead posted his NewsBlur Review, I was optimistic that my work in searching for a Google Reader replacement was complete. Unfortunately, a subsequent blog post by the developers of Mr. Reader[2] pointed out some flaws in NewsBlur’s API and caused me to shy away from naming NewsBlur as the prohibitive favorite in the RSS syncing space.[3].

Then, on Monday, news broke that popular iOS RSS Readers Reeder and Mr. Reader will be supporting Feed Wranger[4], the interesting new RSS syncing solution from developer David Smith. Since Feed Wrangler was my favorite of the new RSS syncing alternatives, I am quite pleased.[5]. If I can take advantage of the functionality that is built into my favorite iOS RSS Apps, while leveraging David Smith’s excellent Feed Wrangler backend, I think I am going to really enjoy the post-Google Reader world.

  1. For those looking for a more comprehensive look at the state of Google Reader alternatives, I suggest a recent post by Gabe at MacDrifter on the Great RSS Infrastructure Race of 2013 and a full listing of Google Reader alternatives compiled by Hrishi Mittal  ↩

  2. Affiliate Link (as are all App Store Links in this post).  ↩

  3. I also decided I would not try Dr. Drang’s approach of attempting create a RSS syncing system with email and IMAP.  ↩

  4. There is currently no timetable for when Reeder will be updated to include Feed Wrangler integration. I suspect it be be after Google Reader is turned off. On the other hand, the post on the Mr. Reader Blog indicates that the Mr. Reader update will be available before Google Reader goes dark on July 1st, 2013.  ↩

  5. Shawn Blanc has also said that Feed Wrangler is his favorite new service](  ↩