Apps Software Technology

Clearing Content Cache in Flipboard 2

I previously posted an ( Unfortunately, that procedure is no longer valid in Flipboard 2. Fortunately, the new procedure is much, much simpler:

1. Tap the red bookmark / ribbon thing in the upper right corner.

2. Tap on the gear icon in the upper right of the “My Flipboard” panel the slides out.

3. Choose “Settings” from the popup menu.

4. Scroll down to and tap “Clear Cache” at the bottom of the settings window.

That should do it.[^f2017].

[^f2017]: Be warned, the cache clearing process appears to take a long, long time.


Clearing Flipboard Image Cache on iOS

*NOTE: This post was written for the original version of Flipboard. In March of 2013, Flipboad released a big Version 2.0 update. Clearing the cache in that version is much simpler and an explanation is available at: [Clearing Content Cache in Flipboard 2](*

I noticed the other day that Flipboard was taking up 1.5 GB of space on my iPad. For an app that updates its content as frequently as Flipboard, this seemed a little excessive. Unfortunately, I could find no way to clear Flipboard’s cache from within the app itself. Thankfully, [this posting on Flipboard’s Get Satisfaction page]( gave me the answer:

> We are working on improving how Flipboard handles automatically clearing the image cache.

> In the mean time, you can manually clear the cache. Tap the gear icon in the lower right corner of your Flipboard. Then tap About, then tap our logo. There is a “Clear Cached Images” button, tap this and give it some time to process. This is a temporary debug feature while we sort out the auto-cache issue.

It works as advertised. I now have cleared up 1.2 GB of the space that Flipboard was taking up.


Rumor has it Twitter is going to block Flipboard from Accessing the Twitter API

Things look they might get really different, really soon. I do not know how useful Twitter will be to me if they block Flipboard.