Apps Software

Dan Counsell on Realmac’s new App Store Pricing Strategy

This piece has been widely linked to online, but I was particularly interested in:

> So we’re doing something different on the Mac App Store – and we’re going to buck the trend a little. We’re not going to devalue our Mac apps by putting them on sale, we’re going to ask a fair price that ensures we can keep on building the apps you love. It’s as simple as that: stable, sustainable prices for apps that we think you’ll love.

I know that I always avoided buying Realmac software at full price, because I just assumed it would go on sale in a few days.[^fn1] Now, I might be more inclined to buy Realmac’s products as they are released.

[^fn1]: I have no idea if their stuff actually was on sale very often, I just know it *felt* like it went on sale all the time.