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Offset Comics – Hopefully a new Digital Imprint from Ivan Brandon

[The Beat mentions a link to]( [Offset Comic]( at the end of [recent piece by comic writer Ivan Brandon]( I am hoping that Offset turns out to be a new digital comics imprint, similar to [MonkeyBrain]( I’ve heard Mr. Brandon speak a few times[^fail], as well as having had the pleasure of talking to him once or twice personally, and I think he has an excellent grasp of the comics market. I can consider him a forward thinker and someone, who if given the right opportunity, would be able to do some big things as far as marketing, packaging and distribution of comics.

[^fail]: I was disappointed at this year’s [HeroesCon]( when I found out I missed the first half of a panel where he was an unadvertised participant. I pretty much ran to the panel to catch the second half.