
John Hood on Why North Carolina Appears to be Rejected Obamacare

> To start with, the reason Gov. Pat McCrory and North Carolina lawmakers were faced with two difficult decisions about Obamacare is that it was a poorly conceived, sloppily written piece of legislation. Cobbled together from ill-fitting pieces in an attempt to please both the Center and Left of the Democratic Party, and to bribe certain members of Congress to vote for a measure their constituents did not favor, the bill contains contradictions, ambiguities, legal problems, and a huge transfer of policymaking authority from elected representatives (be they in Congress or state legislatures) to federal regulators.

Well said, Mr. Hood. Well said[^fn1].

[^fn1]: This paragraph does not cover the detail he goes into regarding why rejecting Obamacare is right for North Carolina. I encourage you to read the whole thing.