Culture Technology

The Comfort Of Boutiques Like FeedWrangler

Devir Kahan, writing at his *Bitquill* site about the issues [Feed Wrangler]( had yesterday:

> I didn’t really get worried at all that my feed reading service had just imploded, because I didn’t really think that it had. I didn’t get worried that my account was hacked or anything like that. I just knew that FeedWrangler is operated by a single person, David Smith, and was sure that, somewhere out there, said single person was dropping everything to run and do the best possible job to get FeedWrangler back up in the least amount of time possible. Indeed, the service came back within the hour.

> But I also knew, more importantly, that he was sure to be updating the FeedWrangler Twitter account with updates as to what was going on — with total, complete transparency at every step of the way. After all, especially with a one man shop, he has a real reputation to keep up. I popped open Tweetbot to check in on what the story was, saw that FeedWrangler was having some problems but should be fixed in a short time, and went on with my day. By the time I came back to Reeder later in the day, it was no longer giving me errors and things had returned to normal. The whole situation just felt so human.

I complete agree with Devir. I had absolutely no problem with what happened yesterday, and I hope David learns from the event and makes the service better. Unfortunately, [some people are not as understanding about what happened](