Culture Software

OS X Reviewed

It’s a bummer that we have read our last Siracusa review of Mac OS X, but we all thank John for all the work he’s done over the past 15 years.

Apps Development Technology

John Siracusa on WWDC: The Lottery

A slightly [different take than he had on ATP]([^fn1]:

> Many more people want to attend WWDC than the conference can accommodate. There has been no shortage of interesting suggestions for how to fix this. Broadly speaking, WWDC has not changed in decades. Apple and its developer ecosystem, on the other hand, are radically different than they were just five years ago. Something has to give.

I think he also has a good, at least partial, solution:

> Many more people want to attend WWDC than the conference can accommodate. There has been no shortage of interesting suggestions for how to fix this. Broadly speaking, WWDC has not changed in decades. Apple and its developer ecosystem, on the other hand, are radically different than they were just five years ago. Something has to give.

[^fn1]: On the podcast, he thought that everyone would get a ticket.


Siracusa on Being a Programmer

> “When you’re a programmer…you have the ability to do whatever you want really, really quickly in the crappiest possible way.”

\- John Siracusa

(via [Merlin Mann](

Internet Technology

Preparing for Siracusa’s Mountain Lion Review

Another solid video from Pat Dryburgh. This year’s version features a cameo from [the man himself](